Portfolio has several options that can help you search through a catalog quickly and effectively. For example, you can:
Select the most efficient searches for Portfolio to carry out.
Name and save frequently used searches (to save yourself from having to re-enter the criteria each time).
Customize the default search displayed when you open the Find dialog.
Portfolio 5.0 indexes all fields to speed searching. Fields, including the Text Block Custom Field are indexed at the word level, which means that you can search these fields quickly by individual words but not by phrases.
When you search on indexed fields, choose “matches” or “starts with” from the modifier pop-up menu for the fastest searches. Other types of searches may be somewhat slower because Portfolio must examine every entry in the catalog:
Searching is slower when there is a large number of items that match your search criteria.
Searching using “contains” or “ends with” is slower when the catalog is large.
You can also sort the Gallery window on any indexed field (such as Catalog order, File Name, File Type, Creation date, Custom Fields, etc.), except Text Blocks.
Other types of searches may be somewhat slower because Portfolio must examine every entry in the catalog:
Searching is slower when there is a large number of items that match your search criteria.
Searching using “contains” or “ends with” is slower when the catalog is large.
You can only search on single-value indexed fields.
You can also sort the Gallery window on any indexed field (such as Catalog order, File Name, File Type, Creation date, Custom Fields that are indexed, etc.).
Date/Time Fields
Times are always assumed when searching fields of the type “Date/Time,” even if a time is not entered, and when the “Display Time” option for the field is disabled. That is, if a time value was entered into the field (either by extraction from the source file when the item was cataloged or by entering a time in the field) and then hidden by turning off “Display Time,” the time will still be noted by Portfolio when a search is requested. For example: Searching for “9/15/99” will not find a record which contains “9/15/99 3:00 pm” because the request is interpreted as “9/15/99 12:00:00 am.” This is true even if the time is not being displayed.
Note: Portfolio stores dates following the computer’s Date and Time settings. If Short Dates are used, Portfolio only records the last two digits of the year, possibly resulting in erroneous find results. To avoid this potential problem, use the operating system’s Long Dates format.